Sunday, May 1, 2011

Karen's Kouture Korner - The Royal Wedding Continued

And now, by popular (my minion) demand, more hats!   

I had found a ton of pictures earlier but sort of ran out of time when I was writing the first blog.  There are some great funky hats out there that I would totally wear... unfortunately none of them were chosen to be worn... perhaps that could be an offshoot blog... "hat's I WOULD have worn to the royal wedding."  Hmmmmm....

So, anyway... the new game sweeping the nation!  Hat or NOT Hat!

This is soooo my style!  I love it!  It's what we call a "hat" with decoration.

It looks like this poor woman fell into a bag of pre-ground mueslii...

Very 80's garden party... simple and understated.


Ok, what is up with the land shark look!  Or is this some sort of prehensile fin affair going on and she's really a nuclear leak mutant?

How could you say anything against the Queen?  Plus, she knows her hats!!

Sorta NOT Hat
In sharp contrast to the Queen, this woman has gone a little overboard with her "hat."  Too much purple can be a bad thing.  This "hat" is more like a flying saucer that's a little lost on it's way to the anal probe portion of the abduction.

Very tres chic!  This is the appropriate scale for the woman wearing it.  Plus it's kinda Asian-y in a cool, non-threatening way.

Excuse me, ma'am?  Do you get HBO on that thing?

Even horses need hats too.

You lost me with the Freddy Kruger finger nails coming out of the dead cockatoo on your head

It's kind of pill boxy... I have a bigger issue with her dress than her hat!!

For the love of all that is holy, give the damn tiny blue Indian his damn tiny blue canoe back!!!  I had no idea that the tiny blue Indian tribe was having this kind of theft rate on their tiny blue pueblo!  

"Keep my canoes beautiful."

Next time - hat's I'd wear but have absolutely no reason or occasion to.